Sports Medicine

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Despite what the name implies, sports medicine is not limited to sports. The branch of orthopedics, treatment of injuries caused by physical activity. Such damage may be caused by overuse, stress, traumatic collision, or over-stretching of ligaments and cartilage in the joints. sports injuries can occur anywhere in the body, but most sports injuries occur in large joints, including shoulder, hip, knee andAnkle.

Minimally Invasive Rotator Cuff

Sports Fitness

One of the most common sports injuries of the shoulder is associated with a rotator cuff. Formed by a group of four muscles and tendons, the rotator cuff is coordinating the movement of the arm at the shoulder joint. A tear of the muscles through a traumatic effect, repetitive movements or heavy train can cause severe pain and loss of mobility of the shoulder.

Based on the severity of injury, a torn rotator cuff can be repairedwith surgical or nonsurgical methods. If the pain does not facilitate the efforts by non-surgical and surgical intervention is necessary, rotator cuff tears, arthroscopic techniques can be repaired. A minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery involves two small incisions for the insertion of a fiber optic camera and specialized surgical instruments. Arthroscopic surgery usually results in successful repair of the rotator cuff and a shorter recovery time and less painful.

ACL ServicesSurgery for knee pain

A sports medicine commonly performed procedure to repair the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) located in the knee. The ACL provides stability to the rotation of the knee, and tears join the band because of wrong about rotation and sudden changes of direction, landing, or traumatic confrontation. Symptoms of an ACL tear is a noise, "popping" and the inability to use, based on the knee to relieve pain and swelling.
Nonsurgical treatment optionsare present after an ACL tear, but a torn ACL is not alone care and surgery is needed for an active lifestyle back. Advances in surgical techniques now allow a knee ACL torn by an arthroscopic procedure to repair. arthroscopic surgical techniques to enable faster recovery times, even if an athlete for at least six months before returning to the sport.

Torn meniscus surgery on knee pain

The meniscus is removed from both parts of the cartilagebetween femur and tibia, as padding and a shock absorber between the bones. Sports-related domain of meniscal tears of excess stress on the knee of traumatic collision, crouching or turning, and often lead to knee injuries, such as an anterior cruciate ligament.

Walking is still possible for a meniscus tear and athletes can continue to play over the injury. However, his knee swollen and increasingly hard for a period of a fewDays. non-surgical approaches to treatment include the protocol RICE rest, ice, compression and elevation. If the severity of the injury requires surgery, arthroscopic techniques allow the use of a fiber optic camera and mini-instruments for minimally invasive repair of the meniscus.

Shin splint repair

Shin splints are a common sports injury, as the condition results from an exercise-related overuse. Shin splints, or medial tibial stress syndrome developbe repetitive muscle fatigue, excessive physical activity causing the door to additional force applied to the muscle tissue attaching to the tibia.
Shin splints are treated with rest and refrain from physical activity. Shin splints rarely require surgery, but persistent pain can demonstrate the development of several micro-cracks in the tibia. Micro-fractures are serious and may require evaluation by a physician.

Achilles tendon repair surgery

The Achilles tendonis the largest tendon in the body and connects the muscles in the back of the leg to the heel. The Achilles tendon is essential to perform the mobility, as it is used, run and jump. Tears can occur when the tight Achilles tendon and can not withstand high forces that they engage in physical activity. Accompanying pain and swelling after an Achilles tendon tear, and inability to walk.

Surgery is probably the only way to completely repair tornAchilles tendon for patients who wish to return to the sport. Achilles tendon surgery is more likely to return to near normal performance and less likely to get hurt again.

Sports Medicine