York C102 Exercise Bike Review

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The York C102 is one of their entry-level bikes, which to you and me that means the cheapest. However, whilst cheap it certainly isn't nasty, in fact it represents view very good value for money. York make some pretty good kit and are usually a safe bet when it comes to reliability. The C102 is a basic bike but you'll easily get a couple of years trouble-free exercise with it - so long as you don't want any frills.

The C102 is pretty quiet to use so you could watch TV or listen to the radio while using it. It's also quite sturdy so it won't wobble whilst you're cycling at high speeds. In fact, it's capable of supporting a user weighing up to 19.5 stone (125KG). The saddle can be adjusted easily to suit most riding positions from average height to about 6" 2'and is quite comfortable - although you cannot adjust it horizontally.

Sports Fitness

The console is good for the price and has a large LCD screen displaying the usual workout data such as speed, distance, calories, pulse and an alarm when you reach your target heart rate. You can monitor your pulse using the hand grips on the handles. This isn't as accurate as a chest strap and polar chip but then you'll have to pay over twice as much to get this feature. In conclusion: A good, basic exercise bike that will get you fit if you're on a budget.

York C102 Exercise Bike Review

Aquatic Exercise Benefits Everyone!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Exercising in the water is a wonderful way to workout. Water is a fascinating medium for strength training, cardiovascular workouts, balance training, sport-specific exercise, and rehabilitative exercise.

Water provides resistance in multiple directions. It works muscles on both sides of a joint during the same movement. For example, in the water, a typical bicep curl will make both the biceps and triceps do work. Walking in water is double the workload of walking on land, if the same speed is maintained. Water provides twelve times the resistance of air. With the lungs submerged in the water, breathing is more difficult and strenuous, as the lungs must be inflated against pressure.

Sports Fitness

Those exercising in the water can perform plyometric exercises without the impact of doing them on land. They can also perform sport-specific skills, especially balance and agility drills, without the fear of falling.

Trainers and therapists who put their clientele in the water can work on the following: aerobic conditioning, strength and muscle toning, joint range of motion, proprioception and balance, core stabilization, posture, and functional exercise. Clientele who respond very well to aquatic exercise include those with arthritis, knee or hip replacements, spinal fusions, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoporosis, pregnant women, and those needing stroke rehabilitation.

Athletes looking for a good cross-training workout also respond well to aquatic exercise. Runners and triathletes can get a workout with less impact on their joints. The client does not need to know how to swim to be able to train in the water.

There are some differences found in water exercise that those unfamiliar with it need to be aware of. When working out in water, an exercisers heart rate will be lower, but the cardiovascular benefits will be the same as when working on land. This is due to two reasons. First, water dissipates body heat more effectively than air; therefore there is less stress on the body. Secondly, due to water's hydrostatic pressure and decreased gravity when in the water, blood flow is less stressful on the body, so it becomes easier for the body to pump blood back to the heart. Despite these factors, the cardiac output (CO) is the same as working on land.

Exercising in water produces some less thought of benefits for pregnant women. The hydrostatic pressure of the water provides improved circulation, which leads to decreased pain, discomfort, and severity of varicose veins that form during pregnancy, as well as relieving some of the discomfort associated with increased swelling in the body. Exercising in water helps correct some of the postural problems associated with pregnancy. Pregnant women are also able to do abdominal exercises easier in the water than on land. They are able to move with more grace and agility in the water, which increases their self-image and makes them feel better about themselves.

Stroke survivors also benefit greatly when working out in the water. They are able to work on range of motion, strength, flexibility, and coordination. They are also able to work on posture, balance, coordination, and gait without the risks of falling. Aquatic rehabilitation reduces pain and stiffness and increases a stroke survivor's ability to relax. It increases mobility and strength for transfers and ambulation, as well as increasing self-esteem and confidence. Water provides resistance without needing to grip a weight or a band, if the patient has lost grip strength due to their stroke.

Water exercisers should be aware of some of the properties of a decreased-gravity environment in order to get the best workout. If the water is at waist height, fifty percent of one's body weight is supported by the water. At the chest, it is seventy-five percent. At the neck, it increases to ninety percent. The higher the water level, the less control one will have over his motions. In general, women will float easier than men because they carry more adipose tissue, especially in their hips. Athletes with more lean tissue in their legs will also have a harder time floating. Increasing the difficulty of movements is done by changing one or more variables: speed of movement, utilization of the surface tension of the water, increasing the lever length, changing the water depth, or changing the plane of the movement.

Water exercise can benefit anyone, whether they are athletic or not. By knowing the basic properties of water and how it can benefit your specific problem, exercisers, therapists, and trainers can add a new tool to their tool chest. The possibilities are endless!

Aquatic Exercise Benefits Everyone!

The Weekly Fitness Post: Core Building for Flyers

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week 1: The Core

The beauty of a cheerleading team is that everyone has a specific role on the team, and without each other, the team doesn't exist. Period. End of discussion. In these next series of articles, I will be sharing my expertise with you. From stretching to building muscles, you'll learn everything you need know to fly higher, throw harder, lift higher, and flip for perfection! So lets start from the top of the pyramid and work our way down!

Sports Fitness

The Flyer

The flyer is the gravity defying individual you see being thrown into the air or contorting their bodies into ridiculous shapes such as a "bow and arrow" and "scorpion" while balancing on a bunch of hands. Now would be the time that I ask you to rub your belly and pat you head while jumping in circles...kidding! Either way you look at it, these girls need to be capable of making the audiences' head spin! So if you think your ready to be a flyer or want to improve your flying skills, read on!

Cheer flyers have a duel responsibility of being flexible and muscular. There are three important attributes a flyer must have and remember when planning a fitness routine: a strong legs and core, impeccable balance and extreme flexibility. Today, we will start with the most important but most overlooked part of the fitness routine for flyers: the core. I have gotten many, many questions from cheerleaders on why they are off balance and why they are extremely flexible but can't perform a toe touch. Here is the answer to every cheerleaders burning questions on performance: if you have a strong core, you can prevent injury, touch your toes and have impeccable balance. So here it is. A how-to-build-your-core list that will have you flying high in not time!

Crunches: Start by lying down on your back on an exercise mat or the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your palms behind your head, elbows parallel with the ground and face towards the ceiling. Tighten your ab muscles and raise your upper body through your shoulders towards your knees. Hold the position for a second and then get into the starting position once again. Perform in repetitions and increase the repetitions gradually as your body adapts to the exercise. Side crunches: Assume the starting position of a crunch (see above). Drop your knees to one side on the floor but keep them bent. Your body will now be slightly on its side. Place your palms behind your head and inhale before you perform the side crunch. You will be primarily using your oblique muscles to bring your body up into a side crunch. Your side will bend as your shoulder lifts off the mat into the crunch. As you are coming up, slowly exhale. Be sure that your head remains in line with your neck the whole time you are performing the crunch to prevent neck strain. Hold the position for a second and slowly lower your upper body back to the floor. Repeat on that one side and then switch sides to perform the side crunch using your other set of oblique muscles. Perform in repetitions and increase the repetitions gradually as your body adapts to the exercise. Alternate Toe Touches: Start by lying down on your back on an exercise mat or the floor with your knees bent and with toes touching the floor. Place your palms behind your head, elbows parallel with the ground and face towards the ceiling. Keeping your right knee bent, lift it while bringing your left arm up and out to touch the right toe. Alternate, bringing your right arm up to touch the left toe. Remember to keep the non-moving leg firmly on the floor. Perform in repetitions and increase the repetitions gradually as your body adapts to the exercise. If your neck hurts, modify the exercise by holding your head with your hands and lifting it up towards the ceiling for each repetition. Continue to alternate legs. Leg Lifts: Start by lying down on your back on an exercise mat or the floor with arms extended alongside the body, palms down. Keep your shoulders, head and lower back flat against the surface. Lift your legs up until they're at a right angle to your hips. Lower your legs slowly and stop within a few inches above the floor. Hold your legs there for a couple of seconds. Slowly raise your legs back to the starting position and hold for a couple of seconds again. Perform in repetitions and increase the repetitions gradually as your body adapts to the exercise. Also, start the exercise easier by lowering the legs to about a 30-degree angle. Increase the impact of your leg lifts by lowering your feet as close to the floor as possible. Super Mans: Lie facedown on an exercise mat or the floor. Keep your legs together and straight, with your arms straight and extended above your head. Keep your head and neck in a neutral position. Keeping your limbs straight (but not locked) and your torso stationary, lift your arms and legs up toward the ceiling at the same time to form a gentle curve with your body. You should literally feel like Super Man flying through the air. Hold for a slow 30 counts. Remember: don't hold your breath! Try to keep breathing steady and even. If you need to make it easier, hold the Super Man position for fewer counts and don't raise legs and arms quite as high. Side Plank: Lie on your side with your right hand on an exercise mat or the floor. If your a beginner, it is recommended to begin this exercise on your elbow. Lift yourself up to form a "plank" with your right arm straight and your left arm on your side. Hold this position for a count of 8-12. If you want to take the Side Plank to the next level, take your left hand and extend it to the ceiling. You might find it easier to hold your balance by turning your head to gaze at your left hand. Repeat with the other side. Remember to keep your body in a straight line, tightening your abs and butt muscles. No hunching forward! That's cheating! It's a good idea to start in front of a mirror to learn the technique. Remember to breathe! Try to keep breathing steady and even throughout the entire exercise.

Keep up this fitness routine and you'll have a washboard in no time. Come back again this week to get the low-down on legs for cheerleading flyers!

The Weekly Fitness Post: Core Building for Flyers

Exercise To Lose Weight - Further Than Yesterday

Sunday, October 16, 2011

True Story: In the autumn of 2006 I had become the fattest I had ever been. I didn't like it and I decided to do something about it. I decided to run a marathon. At the time I was 48 years of age and could not even run a mile, so to imagine running over 26 of them, seemed like Mission Impossible. But I came up with a simple idea and I called it:

"Further Than Yesterday"

Sports Fitness

Simply put, it did not matter how far I ran or walked on that first day, all I had to do on the second day, was to go further. On the third day, I needed to go further still. True story. This is what I did for the next SIX months, culminating in me completing the London Marathon in 2007 (from not completing a mile on that first day).

I went onto run the marathon in 2009 and plan to do so again in 2011.

The point of me telling you this story is that it does not matter where you are CURRENTLY at in terms of your fitness levels. It does not matter either your CURRENT physical capabilities. The point is that you can go 'further than yesterday' and you can have more exercise in your life.

Why bother? Why exercise?

Because it is just so good for you. Physically, mentally, spiritually. The benefits are just too many too list. But most importantly, you feel good about yourself. Your body shape alters, your diet naturally improves, you find yourself making healthier choices (why run 2 miles and then ruin the gain by eating that cream bun?). You will have more energy. Your sex life will probably improve. But if you don't like running, there are many other ways you can exercise. Here are just a few:

Gardening, swimming, any competitive sport, walking, cycling, (including walking or cycling to commute), rowing, climbing (including stairs), sailing, weight lifting, indoor gym, dance,aerobics etc. etc.

Even if you're in a wheelchair, it really doesn't matter. You can exercise. Just do it!

Exercise To Lose Weight - Further Than Yesterday

A Square Clubface at Impact - This Simple Exercise Shows You How to Get It

Friday, October 14, 2011

Everyone, even the top touring professionals, has a swing quirk that prevents the club from coming back to impact square, thus creating curved ball flight. That's all right as long as the curve is manageable. If the curve your swing creates is so large that it's sending the ball out of play, it's time to correct whatever is causing it. Here's how to figure out what you're doing and how to fix it.

From your address position, with the clubface square to an imaginary target line, swing the club back to where your hands are waist high and stop. Turn your torso back to the front, bring your arms to the front, and, without re-orienting your hands, lower the clubhead to the ground. If the clubface isn't square you've found where your clubface gets out of square. It's in your takeaway.

Sports Fitness

If the clubface is square, start over and swing back to where your hands are shoulder high and stop. Once again, bring your torso and arms to the front without re-orienting your hands and replace the clubhead on the ground. Is the clubface square? If not, you've found the area where the change occurs.

Keep enlarging your swing a piece at a time, to the top of your backswing and down to impact, until you find out where the club is getting out of square. When you find that place, the next step is to find out how to correct your swing so the clubface stays square at that point.

Swing to the point that you have identified as the place where your clubface gets out of square. We'll call that position 2. Now just turn your hands so the clubface is back in square, and swing slowly in reverse to the last place the clubface was square. This is position 1. Swing slowly between positions 1 and 2, back and forth, in such a way that the clubface stays square when you get to position 2. Find out what you have to do differently to keep that clubface square between these two positions. You'll do it mostly by feel, and it will seem odd at first because it's not what you're used to doing.

After you have learned to keep the clubface square between these two positions, start taking slow full swings, checking to see that the clubface is square when it gets back to impact. After a while you can start swinging a little faster, but not so fast at first that you can't still feel the correction you made. When you've finally learned to swing at normal speed, with the correction now feeling like a natural part of your swing, it's time to try out your new swing at the range.

Keep in mind that you have embarked on changing a long-standing habit. Expect it to take over a year of steady practice to make the change your new habit.

A Square Clubface at Impact - This Simple Exercise Shows You How to Get It

Blood Doping for Boosting Exercise Performance

Thursday, October 13, 2011

As with any athletic event focusing on the extremes of human exercise performance, the Winter Olympics have allowed the ugly head of cheating in sport to rise again. Recently, police raided the Austrian ski team's residences in Torino on suspicion of blood doping to improve athletic performance. What is blood doping anyway and how does it improve athletic performance? This article provides some basic information on blood doping, explains the mechanisms for its ability to greatly improve exercise performance and provides pros and cons for it's use.

Doping in sports

Sports Fitness

Although the word hints at a relationship, doping actually has nothing to do with "dope" (the street word for marijuana). If this were the case, it may be that snowboarders would be under investigation instead of skiers!

Doping for exercise performance improvement refers specifically to "blood doping" - a means of cheating by artificially boosting red blood cell counts.

The doping procedure works like this:

A doctor draws up to 4 units (about 4 pints) of blood from the athlete's body - essentially making him/her anemic (low blood cell count)

The withdrawn blood is then centrifuged (spun very quickly) to separate the red blood cells (RBCs) from the other main component of blood - plasma.

The athlete's RBCs are "stored" under refrigerated conditions (the shelf life of RBCs is about 40 days)

The anemic condition stimulates the athlete's body to increase production and release of a hormone called EPO (erythropoietin)

EPO stimulates the replenishing of the "lost" RBCs

The athlete is given about 4 weeks to fully replenish their RBC count to pre-drawing levels

The athlete's stored RBCs are then re-infused into the athlete's body, boosting the RBC level higher

Why do athletes participate in blood doping and what is the logic behind it?

Quite simply - blood doping can quite significantly improve performance in long duration, endurance-type exercise such as cross-country skiing, skating and running.

The logic for its use it to boost the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood above normal levels providing more oxygen to the working muscles - allowing for a greater power output and a decreased susceptibility to fatigue.

RBCs contain a protein called hemoglobin - the primary "transporter" of oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body including the working muscles. So if you boost the number of RBCs you also boost the amount of "available" hemoglobin to bind and deliver oxygen.

The pros to blood doping use:

It is highly effective and is estimated to improve endurance exercise performance at the elite level by about 4%

It boosts VO2 max (maximal oxygen uptake) and reduces lactate buildup

The ergogenic (exercise performance boosting) effect with blood doping is immediate, making it ideal for a pre-main event performance - making pre-event detection more difficult

It may be easier to regulate hematocrit (percent composition RBCs of total blood volume) - a tightly regulated ceiling is placed on this value and is used for detection of both blood doping (and EPO use)

It probably decreases the perception of effort during exercise allowing for improved performance

The cons to blood doping use:

The blood doping process is quite laborious and quite severely decreases the training capacity of the athlete in the first few weeks after blood donation as the athlete is essentially anemic and cannot exercise as hard.

1. Health risks

With the increase in hematocrit the heart needs to work much harder to pump the higher viscosity blood - increasing the risk of overload damage to the heart such as myocardial infarct (heart attack)

There is an increased risk of developing life-threatening blood clots (stroke, heart attack, lung clot)

Blood doping involves transfusion using needles and sometimes donor blood, so there is a greater risk of infections such as hepatitis A and B and even AIDS

Since the athlete's RBCs are externally stored, there is a greater risk to the athlete if this has been done incorrectly (e.g. storage at the incorrect temperature, tampering, confusion/mislabeling)

2. Status risks

Detection of the use of blood doping may defile the athlete's reputation

Detection may result in him or her being banned from competition, as sport regulating agencies such as the IOC and several cycling governing bodies strictly forbid it.

Actually, blood doping in sports has become less popular recently due to the increased availability of recombinant erythropoietin (rEPO) which as explained in an article on this website produces exactly the same effect as blood doping but is easier, less riskier and more effective (boosts endurance performance by about 6%).

In conclusion, this article has shown that although blood doping and rEPO may quite significantly boost endurance exercise performance, it carries with it risks to the athlete's health and status. It is unfortunate, but with increases in modern technology and molecular biology, it is likely that even these forms of "cheating" will someday be replaced with safer and less detectable methods.

Blood Doping for Boosting Exercise Performance

The Benefits of a Sports Massage

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sports massage is a specialized type of massage therapy used before, during and after athletic events. The purpose of this type of massage is to help the athletes prepare their body for the event and to help it heal faster afterwards. All athletes extol the benefits of a sport massage and this is why many of the major competitive teams have their own therapist on the payroll. Some of the benefits include:

* Enhance performance

Sports Fitness

* Reduce muscle fatigue during the event

* Relieve pain and swelling afterwards

* Promote flexibility of the muscles

* Prevent injuries

The needs of all athletes are not the same, which is why many different techniques are used in a sports massage. Generally, the therapists use a combination of Swedish massage and Shiatsu. This is because each sport puts different demands on the athletes' bodies and need to be treated individually. In addition to helping the athletes feel better, the massage also helps to regulate the blood pressure and increase the circulation of blood to the lymph nodes. Since different athletes use different muscles when they compete, they also need to have different treatments for these muscle groups.

Many people think that a sports massage takes place only after an event. However, since athletes work out on a daily basis, they need massages to help the body recuperate from the work out. Just before an event, an athlete may have a massage to loosen the muscles better than stretching would do. This also helps to prepare the muscles for the rigorous work ahead.

The Benefits of a Sports Massage

How Does Stress Affect Sports

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Stress can be good or bad for a person engaged in a sporting event. Good stress can improve a performance whereas bad stress can cause them to, in sporting parlance, not be at the races. This article will examine these two types of stress, what causes them, how they affect sports and how they can be combated.

Sport is a fairly general term for a range of activities that require varying mental and physical skills. For example, archery and ice hockey have many skills in common but probably more skills that are disparate. Physical exertion may be more intense in ice hockey than archery but mental pressure and judgement would be more in archery.

Sports Fitness

The body's response to stress is to change the bio-chemistry in the blood. The hormones adrenaline and cortisol are pushed into the bloodstream which passes through the body. This gives the body an energy boost. The muscles will become tighter and prepared for some exertion. The senses will become more attuned; pupils will dilate to allow more light to enter the eye and thus improve eyesight. This response is known as the 'fight or flight' response. It is triggered when the person, through their nervous system, senses a stressful event about to occur. In this way the body can overcompensate for a stressful event by putting too much adrenaline into the blood stream or not enough.

There seems to be two ways to affect this response. The first is the actual event that is causing the stress. The second is the perceived amount of stress that the person places on the stressful event. They are, obviously, closely related.

In the first instance stress could be caused if the person is new to the sport and does not have the skills or knowledge of the sport. They will feel overwhelmed and worried about things like the rules of the game, what position they should be in, what are their responsibilities or how to do a particular activity. On a physical level, they may not have developed the physique to do certain activities.

In this instance it is important not to take the sport too seriously. If the sport is a form of relaxation or stress relief then this should be clarified each time anything becomes overwhelming. Remember that it is supposed to be fun. Remember, also, that making mistakes is a part of learning. You can only improve by making these mistakes and you will be better for them.

The second way to influence the body's response to a stressful event is more to do with people that are experienced in the particular sport. In this case, we are talking about fine-tuning a performance. It is often said in professional sport that the difference between two competitors is not their fitness or skills but their mental preparation because the physical skills are virtually identical.

This is true. Many top sportspeople use mind techniques and sports psychologists to give them an edge. Simply put, the mind techniques are a way of putting the right amount of stress on a particular event, in the mind of the sportsperson, so that he or she peaks at the right time.

For example, a stirring speech by the coach can have two results. It could inspire the person to a great performance or it could put too much pressure on the person and limit the performance. This is a highly personal issue for people. Knowing how to mentally agitate the stress responses in the body to peak at the right time is a rare skill or talent. Generally, it comes through knowing the person involved.

Music is also used to 'calm nerves'. In this, we mean mediate the stress response in the body. The relaxing music can help the person forget about the stressful event. On the other hand, high energy or dance music is often used to motivate and get the 'blood flowing'. The music is often personal and different music can elicit different responses in people.

Stress is crucial to obtain a peak performance in any sports. Attaining the perfect level of stress for the individual at the right time is often harder than attaining the peak physical condition. From a stress management perspective, knowledge of the persons stress levels and how to alter these levels is the only way improve the individuals performance.

How Does Stress Affect Sports

Exercise and Kids: The Difference amid Training Children and Adults!

Friday, October 7, 2011

The greatest mistake a person can make when exercising with children is to treat them like little adults. Children are growing and developing rapidly. This means that certain physiological issues must be considered when they are exercising.

Bone Injuries That Affect Growth

Sports Fitness

When most parents think of children and weight training their first concern is the possibility of it affecting their growth. Contrary to popular belief, weight training will actually improve the bone and muscular systems. It is when children have a lack of qualified supervision that accidents occur. Actually, growth problems are extremely rare when children are given well-designed programs with qualified supervision. In fact, growth problems occur more frequently in dynamic sports such as Tennis, Swimming, and Baseball, than they do in weight training.

Another misconception about growth related injuries is that it will happen without you noticing it. It is actually quite painful because you are actually cracking the top of the bone. It will cease the growth in that bone only so if you get this injury in your upper left thigh (femur), only your left femur will stop growing. Your right femur will continue to grow.

Kids Have Higher Heart Rates and Lower Blood Pressure

A child has a smaller heart and less blood volume than an adult so the child's heart compensates by beating more often (per minute). A child's blood pressure is also less than an adult because this is directly proportional to body size. It reaches adult levels in their late teens.

Children Don't Perform Well Without Oxygen!

Children have a limited ability to perform anaerobic activities due to the limited production of the enzymes required for provide energy in the absence of oxygen.

Keep Kids Cool In The Heat

A child's sweat glands are not yet fully developed so they are less effective at cooling down through evaporation then adults. Make sure they drink lots of water and always exercise in light, cotton clothing.

Copyright 2005 Raymond Kelly

Exercise and Kids: The Difference amid Training Children and Adults!

Used Exercise Equipment - Bowflex Home Gym

Thursday, October 6, 2011

If you are in the market for used exercise equipment, Bowflex Home Gym is typically one of the best buys that you will find. When you are in the market for used exercise equipment Bowflex Home Gym is usually much more affordable than when you buy it new. Even if the equipment has been used quite a bit you will find that it is probably in excellent condition. Bowflex Home Gym's are made really well so they will stand the test of time through several owners a good deal of the time.

When you shop or used exercise equipment Bowflex Home Gym you will find that there are several different models to choose from. Some of the more common models that you will see are the Bowflex Ultimate, Bowflex Ultimate 2, Bowflex Extreme, Bowflex Extreme 2, and the Bowflex Blaze. These are simply different models that were released at different times. For the most part the technology is the same, though if you can choose one of the newer models you will find that it comes with more of the accessories and it is much easier to use. Also, most of the newer machines do not require you to change anything out, you can simply move from weight to weight without adjusting, which is really nice.

Sports Fitness

One of the best places to find used exercise equipment, Bowflex Home Gym models is in used sports stores. There are several chains across the country that offers a wide variety of sports and fitness supplies and equipment. Many of these stores carry the Bowflex Home Gym models because they know they will sell. You can often find them for less than half of their original price, which means you can get a 00 machine for just 0 and sometimes less! This is a great deal, because as was mentioned before Bowflex machines typically stand up well over time. The most difficult part of the transaction may be getting the equipment home, but if you or a friend have a pickup truck or SUV with plenty of cargo room you generally won't find it difficult.

If you cannot seem to find used exercise equipment Bowflex Home Gym in your local area you may want to look online. You might be surprised to find how many people sell their used goods, including exercise equipment, on the Internet. If you can find a really good deal and you are also able to see pictures of the product all you need to do is check on the shipping charges. As you might imagine, the Bowflex Home Gym equipment is relatively heavy and can cost a lot to ship. If you opt to buy used exercise equipment online then you should bee sure that you aren't being charged too much to have it shipped to your home. Make sure you are still saving money when all is said and done, and also be sure that the package is insured just incase it is damaged during shipping.

The Bowflex Home Gym is definitely one of the best used exercise equipment deals you will find on the market. You may find a lot of infomercial type equipment that is being sold used, but when you come upon a Bowflex you will find that it is in stellar condition and really worth its resale price and then some. If you have quite a few used sports equipment providers in your area you may want to check with all of them for the best deal, though most of the time you can bet it is a good deal.

You may also want to check newspaper classifieds for used exercise equipment Bowflex Home Gym advertisements. Many people do not want to transport the equipment to the used stores so they advertise it for sale. Much of the time the owner is simply looking to get the equipment out of their garage or basement and will let you have it for a really good price. Of course, you should ask to see and even try out the machine before you buy, just to be sure that the equipment is still in good working order. If it is, then take your new yet used exercise equipment home and get in shape, the Bowflex can work wonders!

Used Exercise Equipment - Bowflex Home Gym

Fitness enthusiasts attention, Here Comes Trampolines

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Many believe that trampolines and jumping on the trampoline Eskimos had arisen in which a walrus skin sheet was used to people throwing themselves into the air. However, the process of having a significant springboard springboards now a strong fabric stretched over a metal frame, anchored by strong metal coils tended to be developed.

Trampolines for the garden or yard have become one of the hottest sports in the world. And why not? It 'great for you. They may be alone or withothers. You can use a trampoline to help you brush up on other skills - snowboarding, anyone? A trampoline in your backyard or garden is like a gym right outside the door.

Sports Fitness

Trampolines can be therapeutic and fun and even cheaper. Both the family and friends can enjoy the same way the addition of a trampoline. Training on the trampoline helps to ensure you are fit and healthy. It increases circulation throughout the body thereby increasing the availability of oxygen for eachCell body. It also reduces the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides and improves lymphatic circulation.

But a trampoline is not all fun and frolic ... is a serious matter and refers to the many health benefits. Especially on the rebound trampoline for five minutes with your children and see the differences, is to improve the supply of oxygen in the cells, there will be more strength in the muscles and joints to be weak, you will improve your aerobic capacity. The largestUse trampoline is that it cleans and detoxifies the lymphatic system. The effectiveness of exercise trampoline for the first time among the soldiers was far away and was immediately introduced into the curricula level of physical activity.

We offer Trampolines in different shapes such as round, rectangular / square and octagon, more are available in different sizes. Our trampolines are built to the highest quality standards. They are built for outdoor use and are perfect forTraining and exercises are for buyers who want the best.

Our rectangular trampolines feature the largest jumping surface of a rectangular trampoline on the market and are recommended by most trainers. Perfect for gymnasts, divers or just have fun in nature, they are simply the best!

Our round trampolines are suitable for smaller families, while the larger sizes are designed specifically for frequent users. The heavy construction lends greater stability and makes itrobust for repeated use.

We proudly offer Fun Spot ® brand trampoline parts and accessories. Over the past 36 years, Fun Spot a reputation for producing products of the best diving constructed.

Fitness enthusiasts attention, Here Comes Trampolines

Running For Fitness & Health

Monday, October 3, 2011

Interested in running for fitness?
Are you sick and tired, sick and tired? You thought: "Enough is enough, it's time for me, a fitness program in progress."?

Then you need to start running for fitness!

Sports Fitness

A lot of people who are new to fitness to think that just lift weights to get fit. But lifting weights does not help the cardiovascular system as much as will be explained. And you can do all the abdominal muscles in the world, if your abs are rock hard, buthidden under a layer of fat, then nodoby ever seen. To burn fat and pave the way for a stronger, leaner and walking for fitness!

Running - the foundation of your fitness

Helps manage the foundation for all other aspects of getting and staying fit. If you do, build your strength and build a stronger cardiovascular system. This means that with every heartbeat, the heart pumps more blood through the body, it hasEssentially creates a stronger heart muscle. This improves life expectancy and reduce the risk of a number of deadly diseases.

The delivery must be all you can do for your health, whether it's racquetball, cycling or martial arts. Running is one of the fundamental forces and suitability for construction disciplines, and may be the best or most important of all.

Running to lose weight and fight Fat

Running increases your ability to lose weight and keepthe weight off. And 'one of the best ways to burn calories and get your metabolism working at a faster pace. One advantage is that the race after running the metabolism of having, at this rate higher, that is to keep you burn more calories even after you have stopped racing stops!

Benefits of running

Running also helps in a positive mindset to get better. It leaves you with the energy and motivation for the rest of the day and is still used by some peopleHelp fight depression. Even hone the instinct to eat and drink as healthy as possible, perhaps unhealthy mindset of a whole, a very healthy place.

At first it's hard

If you run the first time in fitness, which will certainly not be easy, especially if you've never been the type sports or running before. The key is to start slow and fast. One way to do this is to make a run / walk program, used to use the footPauses to break your exercise routine and help you more in a single session. I hope you are surrounded by positive, supportive family and friends. But if you are not sure that it does some good books, magazines or Web sites that must be managed that share your love for the operation.

Running for Fitness is absolutely feasible. You need to make a beginning with it. And if that means that you fight the fat, a heart stronger and become a happier person, then I amguess that isn't too bad, now is it? So put on those running shoes today and go for it!

Running For Fitness & Health

Online Bedroom Design: A Creativity Exercise

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Are you going to build a house? They are planning a renovation in the current location where you live? They always plan a vacation home somewhere in your favorite vacation spot? If the answer is yes to all these questions, you may want to explore the idea of ​​a bedroom of your home in advance.

Maybe you want to make sure that it reflects your personality, or maybe just to find out how you can be creative. You can do it, even if you do notArchitect or interior designer, do not even need to take a loan, do it for you. You can do it yourself and everything you need is a computer, Internet, and an imaginative mind. Yes, you can book a room online.

Sports Fitness

There are websites out there that are specifically design a bedroom online. They usually have previews for you to look at, so you have an idea of ​​how to do it. Or, if you're really ready and want to do it yourself, this is a legitimate optiontoo. There are three important steps, such as a bedroom design online.

First you need to see color combinations that you use. Maybe you want your room to be painted in blue. What shade of blue? There are hundreds of color combinations of blue tones. Bedroom design sites online that offer this option usually so you can use to match the color inks. You can see the color scheme of the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, you can have a"Previewing color" of the look is what your bedroom.

Next is the layout drawing. How big is your bedroom be? Where exactly are the furniture and other objects, such as television, study table, toilets, doors, windows and much more? How big is the total space they consume? You can answer all these through appropriate design the layout of your bedroom. If the first step is concerned with the combinations of colors, this second phase is concerned with space and measurements. Can occurHow many pieces of furniture you can enter and how big they are and if they fit or not (or if you are perfect or not).

Finally, the design of the plan. Calculate your total spending by all the information needed to plan a project. These include the size of doors, windows, floors, use ink, etc. When you complete these requirements, you get an idea of ​​what is spent for the construction of your bedroom. The project plan is not onlyImportant for the calculation of costs, but also for the exact dates of your room - you know, every detail.

You might want to venture into the online design of your bedroom. This is a creative exercise and the satisfaction you get when the final product is revealed in the knowledge that you are the one that was not designed to express in words are. Whatever your motivation in the design of your bedroom, whether they reflect your personality or you can check theCreativity will be a fun thing to do. Remember, it's simple enough that all you need a computer, Internet, and an inventive spirit.

Online Bedroom Design: A Creativity Exercise