The benefits of team sports for children

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Although it has long been that children benefit physically from participating in team sports, few know the psychological benefits associated with enrolling their children in team sports, enjoy the association. The importance of physical activity like team sports is an all time high due to the fact that many of our children are overweight today. Studies show that currently only one of four children growing up on a regular basis for any kind of organized physical activity. ThisThe statistics are frightening to hear, whereas the number of obese adolescents in America nearly tripled in the last 20 years. In 1980, 5% of all adolescents are overweight. A study conducted in 1999 revealed that a shocking 14% of all adolescents now have a weight problem.

The exercise has been shown to help many problems when it comes to physical and psychological well-being comes from the participants. People who are members of sports teams burn calories through exercise and helps to removeThey are all weight problems, which may be present. Exercise is known, insomnia, depression and low self-esteem, which is important in today's world, where many children feel inadequate because of all the perfection portrayed with the assistance of the media. Regular physical activity also helps the body cope with stress, vigilance and a calm attitude are trademarks of a physically fit individual, helping them to overcome periods of stress with a minimum of difficulty. A study of the womanSports Foundation has found that adolescents who were regularly involved in sports teens less likely to engage in sexual activity until later in life than those who were not in team sports. Even teenagers were found on the sports teams are less likely to use drugs than their colleagues not to play, and were less likely to be involved in violent relationships. In addition, students were involved in the sport a higher chance of graduating from high school and college.

Sports Fitness

The benefits and opportunitiesin connection with identification of objectives, followed by a team sports are numerous, and clearly visible in the results presented in this article. For this reason it is important for adults to encourage their children to be involved in any type of team sports. While the actual background of this sport can vary greatly, only on teamwork and allows the child to lead a happier life and healthier. The physical and psychological benefits associated with team sportsare simply too shocking to ignore.

The benefits of team sports for children