Mental Fitness in Sports and Life

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I am a football fan. As a child I grew up in football and I married a hardcore fan of football, so I did nothing my whole life was football. Last weekend, while watching our favorite team, I was given a huge message. The commentators were talking about different teams and their chances of winning. Comments like "I am mentally tough?" "They mentally what it takes to win this game?" and "I'm ready for the intellectual challenge of today's match-up well?"

These largebig boys in the best physical condition, teen, built on its upper levels of resistance among the best in the country. I tell them they look ready to play and give everything I am. What caught my attention was the word mental. They are ready to defeat your opponent mentally and win? In other words, they believe, and to see win?

Sports Fitness

For me, this is a message that changes the life of the universe. We're all mentally prepared to change our lives? Have the skills tomental shift in our consciousness within our reach? To overcome some limiting conditions is a physical struggle. The words offer encouragement and support in their return to health, we often talk about our thoughts. Thoughts are things. What we think we are, whether we do or what we want. This is a fact, a universal law. This law is no less powerful than the law of gravitation. All of the universal laws are constantly changing, never, never take off, and certainly not to gogo!

As you go through life with faith and the laws we have learned and take it as our truth, we are ready to make the spiritual life in which we live? I do not think we are. To claim to feel good and great in the face of our perceived "reality" of pain, takes medical diagnosis or advertising bombardment, great mental strength.

E 'scientifically proven that if you see an athlete in their brain and thoughts only compete in an event, the same endorphins showsand hormones are like those when physically lead the organization released. This is big stuff! So it makes sense that we think about certain situations, events and beliefs of our brain is releasing the same chemicals as if the situation actually made physical.

Examine your thoughts about situations and events that are resistant. What changes in your life you want? What factors no longer serve you or your highest good? The evaluation can focus on your needsHealth, finances, relationships, and your home, work and travel intentions, religious and special. Enjoy the process!

Mental Fitness in Sports and Life